Chiropractic Holistic Care

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Notes from Dr. G

Every year at this time, the medical community begin touting the benefits of the latest flu shot.  Yet, before you go and get inoculated, you might want to investigate some facts.

Countless studies show that there are many folks who react to flu shots and other vaccination in a negative way and that this reaction can actually weaken the immune system rather than strengthen and protect it.

All vaccines produce antibodies.  Actually,  they produce circulating immune complexes called CICs.  Your immune system ends up attacking these CICs.  When it does, it deflects its energy from it’s more important job -  protecting you from more harmful viruses and bacteria.  Like fighting a war on two fronts, your body is similarly splitting its resources in an attempt to defend you.  In  other words, your immune system is trying to protect you from the vaccine by creating an allergic reaction to it.  If another virus or bacteria comes along, there are fewer lymphocytes left to kill it.

In his book , The Case Against Immunization, Dr. Richard Moskowitz notes that immunizations can lead to certain types of chronic diseases.

“Far from providing a genuine immunity…,” say Moskowitz, “vaccines may act by actually interfering with or suppressing the immune response.”  Moskowitz indicates that the rise in auto immune diseases is an automatic result of injecting live virus and foreign antigens into children.  As a result, the body can no longer tell the difference between good and bad cells and starts attacking itself, producing such auto immune responses as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue immunity deficiency syndrome, and other degenerative diseases.  In fact, there is almost a one-to-one statistical correlation between the incidents of vaccinations and auto immune diseases in this country!

I have personally treated many people who have gotten severe cases of the flu after they have taken a flu shot.  In my many years as a Chiropractic physician, I have concluded that it is better to boost one’s cell-mediated immunity through  natural methods than to  rely totally on the anti bodies in any flu vaccine.

Of course, the decision to take or not to take a flu shot is an individual decision - an informed decision.  No matter your choice, if you experience flu like symptoms or contact the flu, please call me at the Center for Holistic Health (510) 652-2302 and I can do a kinesiological flu treatment protocol on you that , in most cases, will have you back on your feet within 48 hours.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Buidling a Strong Immune System III

Here is more of the wonderful 8 Step Self-Care Program that is specifically designed for enhancing your body's immune system. Continued from last week's blog:

 3.  Avoid junk food and too many carbohydrates.  A poor digestive system with too much processed food and not enough healthy protein, roughage, and fruits and vegetables is a big cause of a weakened immune system.  Here is why.

When you eat  a meal that is too high in concentrated carbs -  starches and processed flour -  your blood sugar level rises.  Your body then produces insulin to bring down the sugar level. However,  in 50 % of all people, the blood sugar level drops too far below normal.  Consequently, the body releases cortisone, which is a hormone, to bring the blood sugar back to an acceptable level.

The problem in this cause and effect reaction is that cortisone suppresses your immune system.  It encourages the wrong type of bacteria to grow in your gut.  This bacteria produces organic acids that weaken the wall of the gut, allowing impurities to pass through.  This condition is known as ‘leaky gut’.  Eventually, it will provoke an ‘overwhelm’ in the immune system making it difficult for the system to function properly.   The way to prevent leaky gut is to follow a healthy diet that works for your body type.

4.  Use immune-enhancing herbs.  If you feel a cold coming on, there are natural immune-enhancing stimulants that help build up your immune cells.  These include such herbs as Echinacea, garlic, golden seal root, chamomile, and the Chinese herb astragulus.

5.  Get assistance from holistic health practitioners.  Such practices as applied kinesiology, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, and massage are all very helpful in getting and keeping the body in balance.

6.  Find time to relax.  Research has shown that chronic tension reduces the effectiveness of your immune system.  So don’t be a workaholic!  Take time to have fun.  Enjoy yourself.  Laughter and a happy heart are the best natural medicines that there are.

7.  Take in emotional support.  Countless studies have shown a strong link between negative emotions and lowered immunity, so it’s important to build a support network of people who care about you.

8.  Find meaning and purpose in your life.  When people become bord or when they develop a lack of purpose, they have a hard time fighting off disease.  Consequently, if life is tiresome and unchallenging, it makes good sense to take matters in hand, rather than remaining at the effect of circumstances.

Eating and exercising right and keeping a good attitude may sound like obvious and uninspired advice, but they are as correct today in the 21st century as they were in the 10th century.   Don’t discount the old wisdom.
Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Building a Strong Immune System II

At the Center for Holistic Health, I make sure that your cell-mediated immune system is working properly.  I do this by way of a nutritional check-up.  In other words, I test to see if your diet is stimulating any inappropriate antibody (allergic) reactions which might be putting your immune system at risk.

Additionally, I use specialized reflex muscle testing to see if your body has an allergic reaction to any of its own immune cells.  If it does, there are ways to re-program your body so it will stop suppressing your immune system.

I can also help to enhance your immunity by assisting it in cleaning up your digestive system.  Through drainage therapy, nutritional supplements, kinesiological therapeutics, and a good body-type specific nutritional diet, I can help ensure that good digestion takes place in your body and that there are no ailments such as leaky gut.  (I’ll explain more about leaky gut in the next segment.)  Of course, these are just a few of the techniques that can help one maintain an optimum cell-mediated immune system, which is the body’s preferred response.

Here is a wonderful 8 Step Self-Care Program that is specifically designed for enhancing your body’s immune system.

1.  Follow a regular exercise plan.  To have a healthy immune system, waste products must constantly be moved out of your cells through the lymphatic system.  The most effective way to circulate lymphatic fluid is through aerobic exercise.  In this type of exertion, the energy is clean burning and moves the toxins and impurities out of the body without creating additional impurities.

2.  Consume enough antioxidants.   Anti-oxidants work to neutralize pollution and other impurities so that your cell-mediated immunity doesn’t have to work so hard.  Look for foods and supplements that contain an ample supply of vitamins A, C, E, carotinoids, selenium, zinc, cysteine (an amino acid), and glutathione.

Well, these just the first few steps in the 8 Step Self-Care Program.   I’ll have more for you in my next blog segment.  In the meantime, if you feel that you would like to chat with me about your health, then please give me a call at (510) 652-2302. We can talk about the ways in which I can help you to boost your immune system.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Building a Strong Immune System 1

In my last blogs, I explained carbohydrate feasting and its role in suppressing the immune system and in creating a myriad of other health problems, i.e., fatigue and blood sugar imbalances. In this current report, I want to explore how to build a healthy and strong immune system. This is an especially timely topic as we are entering the annual flu season. In the next two blogs, look for a special 8-Step Self-Care Program that details helpful tips on how to improve and maintain a health immune system.

All of us want to stay healthy. Yet, most of us don’t understand how to maintain our health and to avoid illness. The immune system is your body’s way of defending itself against invasion by foreign substances produced by the body such as cancer cells.

When a foreign substance (virus, bacteria, etc.) enters your body, one of two types of immune reactions takes place (sometimes both reactions happen). The preferred reaction is called cell-mediated immunity in which T cells are released into your blood supply. T cells are made in your bone marrow and mature in your thymus gland. These T cell are scavengers that circulate throughout the body and destroy the invaders. They do so by directly attacking and digesting the foreign material.

The other kind of immune reaction is called B cell or antibody-mediated immunity. B cells are made in the bone marrow and create antibodies (specialized proteins) that attach themselves to the invading substances. In this way, the bad cells are flagged so that your body’s scavenger cells can identify and destroy them. The attachment of antibodies to invading substances creates a new combination called a circulating immune complex. In this situation, the antibodies simply serve as markers.

The problem with antibody-mediated immunity is that the foreign substances that have been so marked (circulating immune complexes) can travel through the blood and lymphatic system and bind to organs and other tissues such as bone, cartilage, liver, muscle, eye and brain. When the scavenger cells attack the foreign bodies, they can sometimes destroy the healthy tissue to which the foreign substances have attached themselves. This is the basis of auto-immune diseases and reactions to vaccines.

For this reason, cell-mediated immunity is always the preferred response. You want the bad cells to be destroyed by an immediate and direct process, rather than a slower and more indirect one. In this latter case, the bad cells undergo a two step elimination process. First, they are marked by antibodies and then and only then are they destroyed.

I'll have more for you in my next segment. In the meantime, if you feel that you would like to chat with me about your health, then please give me a call at (510) 652-2302. We can talk about the ways in which I can help you regain your energy and stamina.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Carbs and Your Immune System Pt. III

In my last blog, I spoke about the roles that the pancreas and cortisone have in our sugar handling system.  This week, I will explain why folks who eat a high carb diet and experience fatigue also suffer from suppressed immune systems.

What most folks don't know is that cortisone is a powerful suppressant that is used specially to inhibit the immune system after any kind of organ transplant.  When the body has no more glycogen available to convert to glucose, the unattached cortisone roaming through the body provides a similar service to the immune system as when it is used for transplant patients. It inhibits it and makes one more vulnerable to colds, viruses, internal fungi and other pathogen!

And that's not all it does.  The excess cortisone can also confuse your immune system into thinking that some of your healthy cells are pathogens that need to be attached and destroyed.  (Pathogens are those disease-causing agents such as bacteria, virus, fungus, yeast and parasites.)  Yep, I bet that you can guess the outcome of that little drama!  The attack on the healthy cells eventually produce none other than an auto-immune reaction.  If this condition is left unaltered, it will lead to any number of chronic symptoms such as fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Alzheimer's disease.

Thankfully, most of the patients who I see do not suffer from acute illness.  They have chronic conditions with symptoms caused by a malfunctioning immune system.  For example, a consistently carb loaded body ( which has jacked up amounts of cortisone) may feel as if it is arming itself against a virus when, all the while, the real problem is a raging internal fungus.  In this case, the patient will feel a whole range of discomfort and fatigue. 

When helping patients with this problem, I use Applied Kinesiology (AK) methods to carefully diagnose the type of 'bullets' that the immune system is making to kill the pathogens.  This identifies the pathogen(s).  We then find out what complicating factors are present, if any, that may be hampering the immune system.

The most virulent complicating factor is toxic, heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc.  Advanced Applied Kinesiological (AK) methods followed by detoxifying foot baths can get rid of the heavy metal.  A second complicating factor is the presence of trapped emotions.  This condition can be released by another AK technique called The Emotion Code.  The third complication can be the load of toxic chemicals in the body.  Potent enzyme supplementation can negate this problem.

Of course, the point of all of this is that there is a better, more efficient way to gain optimal health.  Treating symptoms is fine and has its place in the scope of things.  Yet, finding and eliminating the cause of the ailment does much more for the patient and his/her quality of life.  If you are willing to take some time to discover a proper diet, the right supplements and exercise program, then you really can balance your immune system so that it works effectively.  You can do this.  I know you can.  I'm here to help you.

I'll have more for you in my next segment.  In the meantime, if you feel that you would like to chat with me about your health, then please give me a call at (510) 652-2302.  We can talk about the ways in which I can help you regain your energy and stamina.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher.  He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only).  For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Carbs and Your Immune System Pt II

The Pancreas and Its Job

In the last segment, I spoke about how carbohydrates affect not only one's weight, but also the blood sugar levels in the blood.  You might remember that the pancreas has a large role in the body's coping mechanism when it is faced with dealing with a carb overload.  Whenever you load up on concentrated carbohydrates such as processed flour and starches, a rapid rise in blood sugar (glucose) levels is generated.  When these levels get too high, the hypothalamus tells the pancreas to secrete insulin.  The insulin  proceeds to remove the excess glucose from the blood and delivers as much of it as it can to our muscles and liver.

The glucose that can't be used is converted into glycogen or stored carbohydrates.  When the body depletes its primary glucose account, it relies on this glycogen reserve to fund it.  Basically, the glycogen receives a signal to break down, convert and send back the glucose into the system.  This process restores the body's glucose levels to a healthy state.  (Note:  Cortisol is naturally created by the adrenal glands.  Cortisone is an artificially made pharmaceutical drug.)

When there is too much glucose to be used either by the primary or by the secondary storage accounts, the glucose is domiciled as body fat.  As we know, if the body fat builds up to the point of obesity, it can result in a myriad of health complications that worsen over time.  

Cortisol:  The Good Guy - Bad Guy Syndrome

For many folks, the pancreas over-reacts to a carb dump by removing more sugar from the blood than is necessary.  So, in order to raise the blood sugar back to a healthy level, the body produces a hormone called cortisol. 

Cortisol triggers the body to turn glycogen back into glucose by attaching itself to the glycogen storage receptors.  This is the good-guy-role that cortisol plays.  On the flip side, this hormone plays the villain when the body produces more cortisol than glycogen.  This occurs when the pancreas becomes depleted in insulin or when the body manifests an insulin resistance.  This condition happens when one's diet is loaded with the high carb foods like bread, pasta, cookies, high carb energy bars, rice and the like.  The excess cortisone that is circulating in the body starts looking for some other thing to which to attach itself.  In other words, when there are not enough available receptors to accommodate the overwhelming quantity of cortisol, then the cortisol looks for another place to go.

What happens next?  The cortisone actually hooks on to the next best thing - the receptors of your immune cells (the white blood cells)!  Why?  Well, its is really a case of mistaken identity in a way.  The receptors of your immune cells (white blood cells) that line the gut look almost identical to the glycogen storage receptors.  So, the cortisone naturally identifies them as handy opportunistic targets and attaches itself to them.   This is definitely not good!  In the process, the white blood cells are immobilized and  they stall in  the performance of their necessary function.  OOPS!

I'll have more for you in my next segment.  In the meantime, if you feel that you would like to chat with me about your health, then please give me a call at (510) 652-2302.  We can talk about the ways in which I can help you regain your energy ans stamina.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed., D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher.  He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only).  For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website

Dr. Gertler has been designated as a TOP Chiropractor in This Prime Buyer's Report!  Click here.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

How Excess Carbohydrates Undermine Your Immune System

In my last blog, I wrote about the effects of prolonged fatigue on the body systems.  In this segment, I'd like to explore the consequences of what is called carbohydrate feasting.  This habit favors carbohydrate rich foods (sugars and starches) over other necessary nutrients such as proteins (meat, eggs, dairy products,  legumes and whole grains).

Carbohydrate feasting prompts the question: Are carbohydrates good, or are they bad? Well, as usual, the answer is “Its all relative.”  Actually,  it is a hard question to answer!  Many health care authorities disagree as to how many carbs are too much to eat in one day. As often happens,  one source says that Diet plan A is good for this and another says that Diet plan B is great for that! No wonder folks get confused about what foods can aid them in establishing a healthy lifestyle.

Today, schedules are so jammed  that many of us resort to eating meals loaded with carbs.  You know what I mean.  Lunch boxes and dinner plates are filled with pasta salads, packaged soups, rice, frozen entrees, pizza, stuffed potatoes, specialty energy drinks, French fries, bread rolls, cookies, and pastries.  Most of us feel that all of this passes for a satisfying meal.  Sure, protein is included in some of these.  Yet, it is hardly in proportion to the carb intake. 

As we chase from one task to the other, we rarely are conscious of the fact that our rush-around-the-whole-day-diet is, in fact, suppressing our immune system and making us more susceptible to colds and serious illnesses.  If you are wondering why you are so constantly fatigued, try looking at your diet for the answer!  It is in this examination that you will find not only the ways to maintain your weight and to regain some energy, but also the means to prevent illnesses.

Amidst the large swirl of dietary fact and fiction, I’d like to present a concise explanation of how excess carbs can suppress your immune system and make you more susceptible illness.  It is my hope that this information will aid you in your journey to wellness.

How Carbohydrates Turn Into Sugar

It’s 3 p.m. and you are beginning to get that dragged out feeling.  Worse yet, you know that you have several more hours of work and home duties ahead of you.  What do you do?  You go to the local coffee shop and get a latte and a Danish!  This power snack should give you the extra push-power that you need to get through the rest of the day.  Right?

Well, you might get the extra energy that you needed.  Yet, do you ever wonder what happens to all the sugar and carbohydrates that you just ingested?  Well, first, it gets converted into glucose (a form of sugar) which is used by  the cells for energy.  Then, it stores what it can’t use for another time in the form of GLYOGEN - our long-term energy storage unit.  It is interesting to note that the average person, who ingests a mixed protein/carb diet, has enough stored glycogen in their body to run  around for 1-2 hours at the speed of a marathon!

Since our bodies are not genetically designed to handle such a deluge of FIBERLESS complex carbohydrates, we all of a sudden find ourselves with too much sugar in our blood.  That’s when the pancreas is called into action to help the body cope with the overload.  It’s a big job and one that puts a great burden on our inner mechanisms.

Here are some little known facts:
  1.  the brain actually gobbles up about two thirds of the glucose to fuel its complex operations.
  2. vegetables with high fiber ( lettuce, avocado and broccoli) are digested slowly and gradually release glucose into the blood.
  3. low-fiber, complex carbs such as bananas, cereals, bread, pasta, potatoes and rice quickly dump huge amounts of glucose in to the bloodstream.
I’ll have more for you in my next segment.  In the meantime, if you feel that you would like to chat with me about your health, then please give me a call at (510) 652-2302. We can talk about the ways in which I can help you regain your energy and stamina.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M. Ed., D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher.  He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only).  For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website

Dr. Gertler has been designated as a TOP Chiropractor in This Prime Buyer's Report!  Click here.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Feeling Drained and Tired? Part IV

In the last segment, I talked about the possible consequences of not treating a prolonged fatigue condition.  Of course, blood sugar problems are among the issues that demand quick attention.  Yet, there are other ailments caused by chronic fatigue that require treatment as well.

Leaky gut is one of those problems.  This is a pesky issue.  It is caused by the lack of a nightly repair of the mucous lining of the gut.  This happens when an on-going fight-flight-reflex shuts down digestion.  As a result, bacteria and partly digested food escape the intestine and take up residence in the body cavity and in the blood.   This can produce unwanted waste products, infections, and allergies.  Eventually, any or all of these will begin to slow down the body in general.  Usually, the condition can be treated.  Herbs as well as holistic therapies, such as Neuro-Emotional and  Emotion Clearing techniques, can help to repair the mucous lining and turn off the on-going fight-flight-reflex.

The lymphatic system also suffers in overly fatigued folks.  This remarkable mechanism is essentially the body’s garbage disposal and, like every refuse bin, it needs to be cleaned out regularly.  But before it can be cleaned out, we must make sure that the system’s main valves- open/close doors - are working.  Commonly, we find the main valves are stuck in a closed position.  This causes congestion in the flow of wastes and results in constipation, liver back-up, weight gain, and more fatigue.  In order to open these valves, a trained physician needs to manipulate them manually.  The patient is then given special, slow aerobic exercises that are repeated for several days. These activities clear the lymph system and restore its ability to flow and to detoxify naturally.  Once this healthy condition manifests, more strenuous exercise can be done.

Food allergies are yet another problem faced by many chronically fatigued people.   They can be identified with muscle-testing and cleared with a special allergy technique that combines chiropractic and acupuncture (without needles).  Many allergies are a result of a less-than-optimal digestive system.  As we have discussed already, the digestive system is significantly affected by the fight-flight-reflex that causes partly digested particles to enter the blood.  When this happens, the immune system identifies these particles as  “foreign” and does what it can to attack them.  In order to restore one’s immune system to good health, a person must get out of the fight-flight condition.   

Finally, the fight or flight mechanism produces a tension that, often times, results in a variety of structural problems.   This mechanism vertically compresses the body in order to make it a smaller target - a great defense mechanism if an aggressor is chasing you!  Ailments like neck and back pain, TMJ (temperomandibular joint), face-head-shoulder pain, digestive upset and gait pain are among the nasty consequences of a prolonged fight or flight condition.  I have found that chiropractic is an excellent method for identifying such structural abnormalities and for applying satisfactory remedies.

Well, we have come to the end of our discussion on fatigue.  I would like you to remember this, please.  If you are experiencing fatigue, then your body is trying to tell you something.   Just think about this metaphor for a while:

        When the body aches or is tired a little, it is whispering a message.
        When the body aches or is tired as lot, it is yelling loud and clear - HELP ME!

Ignoring this message is not going to help you in any way.  Certainly, it won’t help those that depend on you.  Disregarding this body communiqué is nothing more than a successful self-sabotage method. So, if you are feeling fatigued more often than not, it is time to take constructive action and take back your life. I know that you can do this.  I’ve helped many patients down this path to wellness and I could do the same for you.

I’ll have more for you on this topic in my next segment.  In the meantime, if you are feeling any of the symptoms mentioned above, please give me a call at (510) 652-2302. We can talk about the ways in which I can you regain energy and stamina.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M. Ed., D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher.  He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations.  For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Feeling drained and tired? Part III

In my last segment, I talked about the fight or flight reaction and it’s need for a high carbohydrate diet. Here is a little more on that subject.

The problem with feasting on carbohydrates is that it runs up your blood sugar levels. The only way to resolve this problem is by lots of physical exercise. If the carb load builds up and is not burned off, then an imbalance occurs that leads to a number of health issues. One of these consequences is fatigue.

If the fatigue is not corrected as soon as possible, then other physical problems result. As health care practitioners, we now know that weight gain/obesity, sleeping problems, and insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) are all possible ailments resulting from untreated, prolonged fatigue. Of course, a host of digestive problems ranging from heartburn to ulcers to chronic mal-absorption and mal-nutrition can complicate the story even more. These latter conditions can and often do lead to cardiovascular and other degenerative diseases such as chronic infections and ultimately, cancer.

The first step toward remedying fatigue is getting the blood sugar balance back in order. This can be done in a number of ways. The first step is modifying your diet. The best diet incorporates 40% of calories from carbs, 30% from fats, and the remaining 30% from protein. It’s important to consume these ratios at each and every meal and snack - no ice cream binges or candy frenzies! In mild cases of fatigue, this diet need only be used for several weeks before you feel more energized. In more severe instances, folks might need to balance their meals for a longer period.

I’ll have more for you on this topic in my next segment. In the meantime, if you feel that you would like to chat with me about your fatigue, then please give me a call at (510) 652-2302. We can talk about the ways in which I can help you regain energy and stamina.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M. Ed., D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website

Dr. Gertler has been designated as a TOP Chiropractor in This Prime Buyer's Report!  Click here.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Feeling drained and tired? Part II

In my last segment, I talked about fatigue, its symptoms and the important role that blood sugar plays in helping you to maintain your energy. Here is a little more on that subject.

The fight or flight reaction is always triggered by stress. For example, a mugger accosts you and, consequently, you run for your life - this is the fight or flight response in action. In such a case, you would have experienced more energy and strength than you ever thought possible!

Yet, in reality, a life-threatening experience does not always have to be present for your fight or flight response to be activated. In other words, you need only to perceive some in-coming harm - real, physical, non-physical or imagined - and your body will counter with the appropriate fight or flight response in order to match the threat.

For some people, this fight or flight system is permanently switched on. Yes! You read that right - PERMENANTLY switched on! Life circumstances are so stressful that their minds and bodies are consistently mired in this state. This is easy to understand in light of the current economic times. When job and home are threatened, it is very natural to experience a fight or flight reaction.

For many people who find themselves in this condition, carbohydrates are their main food attraction. Basically, carbs give the body the energy it needs to fuel the fight or flight mechanism. Of course, that makes perfect sense. Remember, we need lots of energy when we are escaping from the mugger and those carbs really come in handy when we are the object of a hot pursuit. However, when that fight or flight burst of energy lasts for too long a time - weeks, months or years - the resulting hormone rush will cause a fatigue, obesity and, eventually, a system-wide burn-out.

I’ll have more for you on this topic in my next segment. In the meantime, if you feel that you are in a consistent fight or flight condition, then please give me a call at (510) 652-2302. We can talk about the ways in which I can help you recover your ease and regain energy and stamina.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M. Ed., D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website

Monday, July 12, 2010

Feeling drained and tired? Could this be one of the causes? Part I

Fatigue affects people in all walks of life.  It's no wonder that so many folks have it.  People are chasing around complaining of how busy and tired they are.  For most of us, a run to Starbucks is the easiest way to keep ourselves going.  You know what I mean.  It is a huge relief to get your hands around that grande cup of ambition that will surely give you enough energy to get through the day.

Still, there comes a time when that a sip of that magic java does not produce the effect that it has in the past.  Something inside you knows that all the coffee in the world will not give you the energy and focus that you need.  You are not bouncing back as quickly now and feel even more tired when you wake up than when you went to bed.  What is wrong? 

Well, you have fatigue!  The symptoms are very noticeable.  They include lethargy, delayed recovery from exercise, vague depression, poor concentration or even heart palpitations.  These conditions can be mild or severe.  Despite the intensity of it, some underlying root cause is telling you that the body needs fixing before things will get better.

There are many reasons why people feel such fatigue.  Diet, leaky gut, anemia and food allergies are just a few of the stressors that provoke fatigue.  Still, one of the most common root causes is blood sugar problems.

Those who need to eat all the time usually subsist on fast food, snack and graze extensively.  Often times, they eliminate well-balanced meals and exercise erratically.  These folks frequently suffer from a blood-sugar system that is all out of whack.  Relying on a diet that is too rich in carbohydrates looses a barrage of hormones that cause the liver to back up and poison the body, leading ultimately to fatigue.

I'll have more for you on this topic in my next segment.  In the meantime, if you are feeling any of the symptoms mentioned above, please give me a call at (510) 652-2302.  We can talk about the ways in which I can help you to regain your energy and stamina.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M. Ed., D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher.  He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations.   (Telephone consultations are for California residents only.) For more information, please call the Center for Holistic Health at  (510) 652-2302 or visit this website