Chiropractic Holistic Care

Friday, December 16, 2011

Why Do Some People Get Sick After Getting Their Annual Flu Shot?

Happy Holidays and New Year to all!

Every year, during the flu season, I receive many questions from my patients. Basically, they focus on whether or not one should get a flu shot.  In hopes of helping folks make informed decisions on their own behalf, I've written the following article.  You can find it here on the PR Web website.

If you think that you would benefit from a free 30 minute consultation, then please call my office and we can discuss your condition.  You can reach me at the Center for Holistic Health, (510) 652-2302.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed., D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher.  He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only).  For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why People Don't Heal!

Your cold doesn’t go away.  Your knee remains sore.  Your headaches persist.  Month after month, the same ole aches, pains and nuisance ailments drag you down.  What is it exactly that prompts these chronic infirmities and thwarts your ability to heal?  The answer is that imbalances in your nutrition, body or thoughts are constantly giving way to the conditions that foster this ill-health!

What most folks don’t know is that diseases don’t manifest because of outside influences alone.  In fact, a mix of internal and external imbalances is usually the cause of our current maladies.  When we don’t heal, the first thing that we must do is to examine all the systems that govern our health and determine which ones are working and which ones are not.  In these answers, we will discover the source of our health dilemma.

The Usual Causes of Bad Health!

1)  Your Body Doesn’t Like the Food that You Give It!
Most people determine their daily diet by their taste buds, not their body type.  As a result, many of us try to sustain ourselves on nutritionally deficient diets that are jammed packed with too many carbohydrates.  Of course, we all know that this habit leads us to the well-publicized diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardio-vascular disease.  Yet, do we change our menus to accommodate healthier foods?  Rarely!

To help my patients in their quest for better health, I use Kinesiological techniques that can easily identify a person’s body type and determine which foods are suitable.  In addition, I check the digestive system and hormones to see if all of these things are working properly.

2)  A Dysfunctional Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a remarkably complex web of capillaries that keeps the muscle and other body tissue healthy.  Basically, lymphatic fluid collects waste products from the cells and moves them through tiny collecting ducts, eventually emptying them into the blood stream.  The waste is then routed to the liver where it is made excretable.

The lymphatic system relies on voluntary muscle contraction to move the lymphatic fluid through the capillaries.  Hence, if you don’t do enough exercise, or if you do the wrong type of exercise, those fluids become stagnant, and the toxins build up.  In this case, our body’s healing power becomes significantly reduced. 

3)  Heavy Metal Poisoning
Heavy metal poisoning (mercury, lead, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, etc.) and petroleum solvent toxicants can disable your liver’s ability to neutralize poisons.  Mercury from contaminated fish and from the mercury amalgams in dental fillings can also interfere with the production of hormones and enzymes.  But the most insidious source of toxic heavy metals is drinking water.  This includes many, but not all, bottle waters.  Using Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing,) we can easily detect heavy metals in a person’s body tissues and apply the appropriate therapies to correct the condition.

4)  Allergies
Environmental and food allergies, such as one’s negative reaction to B vitamins, can suppress the immune system.  Additionally, if one’s blood gets too alkaline – a condition that is provoked when bodily systems try to compensate for an excessively acidic internal condition – then the immune system begins to attack things that it would normally not attack.  These events become obvious in what most of us call   ‘severe allergy attacks’. 

5)  Dental Foci
A slow growing infection behind the teeth (a “dental focus”) can filter back into the nervous system and inhibit its autonomic (automatic) regulation.  This condition is often not detected with dental x-rays, but it is easily identified with the applied kinesiology techniques that I use with my patients.

6)  Negative Emotions and the Self-Sabotage Syndrome
Did you know that your thoughts and the feelings that they provoke directly affect your nervous system?  Well, it’s true, and more validating scientific research is being done on this topic all the time!

Dr. Candace Pert, Ph.D., has researched the process of generating neuro-transmitters and neuro-peptides-essential components in neural functioning.  She found that these are influenced by one’s conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings.  It is estimated that 80% of all diagnosed physical problems have an emotional component to them.  That’s right – 80%!

So, if you’re not healing properly, it may be that some undetected trapped emotions are contributing to a subconscious desire not to heal and/or a fear of change.  Without a doubt, these subconscious influences can sabotage your efforts to remain healthy.

I have long been interested in this therapeutic aspect of health care.  In fact, I specialize in a process that discovers the emotional blocks that impede healing.  With a combination of chiropractic, acupressure and kinesiology, I help patients overcome these subtle, but distinct barriers to good health.  

The method that I use to eliminate the trapped emotions is based on The Emotion Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson.  This information has enabled me to devise a special healing protocol that allows the patient to release the stuck emotions relative to the stressful situations in his/her life.  The result of these treatments is astounding and is most successful in dissolving the patient’s neuro-emotional blocks.  

How Do You Relieve the Chronic Suffering?
Do you suffer from chronic pain?  Does a loved one suffer from persistent health problems that interfere with their joy of life?  If so, you can bet that some imbalance in their whole-body-system is the cause.  Please call my office, the Center for Holistic Health, and schedule a free 30-minute consultation.  Together, we can determine the best health care therapies that can help you to regain your optimal health.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Toxicity, Deficiency and You!

Today, more than ever, the human body is inundated with harmful toxins from countless sources.  Environmental pollutants, pesticide-treated foods, and a whole host of other such contaminants create a situation in which the body must struggle to remain healthy.  Sustained exposure to such stresses weakens the body’s resistance and, finally, all sorts of health problems result.  In this process, toxins lodge in the body’s tissues and organs and, eventually, disease manifests.  

In reality, this overload from toxicity is just one of the two conditions that rob us of good health.  The other is deficiency –deficiency of some element necessary to the well-working of the body. Let’s explore the meaning of these two words.  

Toxicity manifests when too much of something is present within the body.  Deficiency occurs when too little of something exists.   Typically, this something can be too much or too little of things like nutrition/biochemistry, exercise, and/or negative thoughts and feelings.  Of course, too much of a ‘good thing' can also be a problem.  For example, if you stay up late every night and get little sleep before your work day begins, you will eventually experience a general fatigue that will affect you health.

The fact is this - everyone, at one time or another, experiences some illness that suggests that their system is imbalanced either by toxicity or by deficiency. We can improve our odds at averting these occurrences by creating a self-care maintenance health program that fosters a ‘whole’ or holistic balance in the bio-chemical, structural and emotional systems of our body.  Good health is basically the balance between these three sides of the health triad.  

Over the years, I have suggested to my patients that a periodic detoxification program is a great way to re-establish and maintain this good health balance. Now, detoxification doesn’t mean some rigorous and depleting process that leaves you starved and exhausted!  In fact, I use a method that is much easier than that!  Let me explain a little about it.

In general, I advise a specific line of homeopathic remedies from Apex Energetics that include both detoxification AND drainage substances.   The reason for this combined approach is that it provides the most effective and gentlest means by which the body and its’ organs can relieve themselves of the impurities.  

Detoxification means dis-lodging the toxin from its hold over the cells in the tissues and organs.  Yet, it is best for the patient if the body releases the toxins easily and without stress.  For this to happen, the body must provide a good drainage system for the elimination process.  Without it, many folks experience difficulty in the detoxing phase and become ill.

This illness is called a ‘healing crisis’.  Basically, this occurs when the body releases too many toxins at one time.  In other words, the body’s routes of elimination cannot process the toxins fast enough.  (The body’s routes of elimination are a combination of organs and organ systems and collectively dubbed the seven routes of elimination. They are the liver, lungs, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin, blood and bowel or colon.)  Consequently, it has to manifest sickness – flu symptoms, fever and the like – in order to process the toxins out of the body.  This definitely doing it the hard way!

 So, the solution to preempting this discomfort is to add what we call adequate drainage to the detoxification process.   Drainage therapy is used to open up the elimination routes so that they can adequately remove the dislodged toxins from the body just as fast as they are being released during the detoxification process.   In this way, the body is not overwhelmed and there is not the necessity for a healing crisis. With the Apex Energetics remedies, gentle drainage of multiple organs can occur at the same time.  Ingredients and potencies are selected for their deliberate gentle actions.  

Usually, it is a good idea to begin drainage therapy just prior to beginning the detox – say one or two weeks before.  In this way, the body prepares itself for the cleansing and will respond without stress.  However, some folks only implement drainage therapy simultaneously with the detoxification process.  I work with my patients to determine which of these protocols works best.  Of course, I monitor their progress as the detoxification regime continues.

If you think that you would benefit from a gentle detoxification and drainage therapy, then please call my office for a free 30 minute consultation and we can discuss this protocol as it relates to your condition.  You can reach me at the Center for Holistic Health, (510) 652-2302.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Are Supplements Necessary?

In the mountains of Tibert, eastern Pakistan, Russian Georgia, certain regions of Turkey and in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Andes are five well-known human cultures whose peoples routinely live to their maximum genetic potential of 120 or older.

These cultures have some interesting similarities.  Their populations live at remote elevations ranging from 8,500 to 14,000 feet, far removed from the pollution of heavily industrialized cities.  Their water source for drinking and irrigation  comes from glaciers and runs down over pulverized rock.  This water is so highly mineralized that it's opaque and whitish as milk.  It is also true that  these indigenous cultures use only natural fertilizer for growing their crops. 

If we all could maintain a low-stress, pollution-free, nutrient-rich lifestyle like those remote mountainous peoples, we probably wouldn't need  nutritional supplements.   Unfortunately, for most twenty-first century folks, life is not so simple.  In our hurried lifestyle, we fail to eat properly.  We live in environments in which  our food and air are often polluted.  And the stresses of modern life undercut our body's ability to fight disease.

Some of us try to compensate by turning to organically grown foods.  But what we don't realize is that our earth is becoming anemic.

"Those who now advocate eating natural foods as the only source of vitamins and minerals live in a dream world of yesterday, " says Joel D. Wallach, M.D., and Ma Lan, M.D., authors of the book Rare Earths:  Forbidden Cures.  "It really doesn't matter how well you balance your meals, you still run the risk of malnutrition if you try to get all your vitamins and minerals exclusively from the foods that you eat."

Why is that?
Mineral-rich soil has millions of micro-organisms living in it.  Their primary function is to decompose anything that falls on the land, and to break down mineral deposits into plant food.  If we grew plants in this kind of topsoil, we could be a lot healthier!  But, in many parts of the industrialized world, especially in our own United States, the topsoil that formerly contained a rich supply of micro-organisms and trace minerals - nutrients which found their way into our diet - has long been exhausted.  To remedy this, the topsoil has been loaded up with artificial chemical fertilizers.  As a result, our foods no longer contain the dozens of micro-nutrients that are so essential to a healthy body.  So, unless you're living in one of those five high altitude, pristine, mountainous environments, you're still going to need  to take vitamins and mineral supplements.

To be properly assimilated, the macro-nutrients that we consume - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water and fiber - need to be combined with micro-nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals.  In fact, there's not a single organic function in the human body that does not require the aid of a trace mineral or vitamin to facilitate it's process.

If your food does not give you all the vitamins and minerals you need, can you correct this situation by simply dropping by the local retail shop and loading up on vitamin and mineral supplements?  It's not that easy!

Not All Supplements Are the Same!
How much of a the supplemental vitamin or mineral you assimilate is determined by several factors.  First, there's the delivery system.
  • Until the 1950's, the only supplements we had were composed of inorganic minerals like calcium carbonate and zinc carbonate.  The problem is that the body is capable of absorbing about only 10% of a mineral in its inorganic form.
  • Then, chelated minerals were introduced in which the minerals were biologically attached to an organic substance.  Because our bodies accept a chelate more effectively than they do an inorganic form of the mineral, the mineral can be absorbed in ranges up to 50%.
  • Finally, in the 90's, colloidal minerals were introduced.  That is where the micro-nutrient particles have been made so small that up to 90% can be absorbed by the cells.
Thus, the form of supplement that you take is critical in determining how effectively your body is benefiting from it.

You also have to consider whether you are taking a micro-nutrient in its natural state.  Why?   Vitamins and minerals in their natural state are absorbed into the body far more effectively than anything distilled in a laboratory.  For example, your body will more readily absorb vitamin C when it is combined with other naturally occurring compounds such as bioflavonoids.  This form of vitamin C is described on the bottle as "C Complex".  However, most people take vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid and as such are only getting the anti-oxidant protective part of the natural, living, vitamin C complex.  Ascorbic acid is 2% of the whole, natural vitamin C complex by weight!

What are the other factors that enable the vitamin to go into biochemical operation?  They are enzymes, co-enzymes, trace elements, activators, and other unknown factors that enable the vitamin to go into biochemical operation.  Some of these vitamin C factors are called bioflavonoids, "P", "K", and "J" factors.  Vitamins are living complexes.  So people who are taking only ascorbic acid (which is the FDA name for vitamin C) are not absorbing anywhere near as much of the vitamin C as they think that they are.

The quality of supplements can also vary tremendously between one retail source and the next.  Most of the supplements you see in the usual retail store utlets are created chemically in test tubes, and some companies do a better job of doing that than others.

What Supplements Do We Need?
For certain, we all need to take a healthy supply of anti-oxidants -vitamin C, A, E, selenium, grape seed extract, and so on - to neutralize the pollution from the environment that slows down or stops enzyme activity in the body which leads us to disease or dysfunction.  We also need a good selection of natural extracted vitamins and minerals.

Your micro-nutrient deficiencies can be evaluated in various ways, such as with hair analysis and certain blood tests.  However, a more cost effective approach is to have me detect these deficiencies by using advanced applied kinesiological techniques.  I can also use the same process to test the supplements that you are now using to see if they are having a beneficial effect.  You might be surprised at what you discover.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What is Healthy Exercise?

Are You Exercising in a Healthy Way?

Ask a hundred people, “Does exercise promote good health?” and almost everybody will tell, “Of course!”  Mostly, they’re right.  Exercise is healthy.  It’s what allows your lymphatic system to move waste products out of your body. 

But some people exercise incorrectly.  They’ll sing the virtues of raising the heart rate, and then they’ll work themselves to death in aerobics classes and gyms.  Instead of promoting endurance, fitness, and health, they end of doing just the opposite. 

What leads them down the wrong path is a belief that the faster and more intensely they exercise, the better.  They never learn the difference between aerobic (fat burning) and anaerobic (sugar burning) exercise, and how one can inadvertently evolve into the other.  In fact, lack of proper information about exercise has helped to foster the largest non-microbial epidemic in the U.S.  It’s called ADS, which stands for aerobic deficiency syndrome.
The Spread of Misinformation

During the 1980’s, fitness maven Covert Bailey promoted an early formula for the ideal heart rate which would, if not exceeded, give you optimal aerobic benefit.  (Aerobic is defined as improving the body’s oxygen consumption.)  The popularized formula he used was 220 minus your age times 65-85 percent, depending on your state of health.

But in the early 1990’s, Bailey discovered that the optimal heartbeat rates he published were too high for almost half the population.  At those rates, bodies burn sugar as a source of fuel, instead of fat.  The revised formula is now 180 minus your age, plus or minus points for good health.  

The problem was, few people paid attention to the revised formula, and consequently, the old numbers are still widely accepted as the standard.  These numbers can lead to unhealth.  Let’s see why this is so. 

Burn Fat or Burn Sugar?

The body has two sources of fuel:  fat and sugar.  Fat is the body’s preferred source, because (1) it doesn’t take away sugar needed for the brain, and (2) because it does not create waste products that remain in the body.  Oxygen is drawn into the body through the lungs and is combined with the carbon in fat.  When you burn fat, the waste products –carbon dioxide and water vapor-are expelled through the lungs.  It is a very efficient, clean burning process.  There are virtually no residue or waste products left behind.

But if you enter into strenuous physical activity such as lifting weights or when you run too long and too hard, your heart and lungs can no longer deliver enough oxygen to the muscles, and the muscles stop burning fat as fuel and start burning sugar.  This switchover takes place because sugar can be turned into fuel without additional oxygen.  Once this happens, your exercise has switched over from being aerobic to being anaerobic. 

Anaerobic exercise gives you energy at a price.  When sugar is burned, it creates lactic acid which must be excreted through your liver and kidneys.  It is a very dirty burning process.  If too much lactic acid is created, the buildup creates stress and leads to cramps, headaches, lethargy and fatigue.

Thus, doing aerobics too intensely or spending too much time in the weight room without sufficient aerobic exercise to balance it can be unhealthy because you’re creating more toxins than your lymphatic system (which moves out waste) can keep up with. 

Develop A Sound Aerobic Base

Here are several things you can do to make sure you don’t suffer from ADS:

1.      Keep yourself aerobically fit. This calls for exercising aerobically at least three times a week for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes, making sure that you do to overtax your body so that it starts burning sugar and storing fat.  You can determine your ideal aerobic heartbeat using the correct formula of 180 minus your age, plus or minus minor adjustments depending on your health.  The most accurate way to monitor performance is with a heartbeat monitor, the kind you wear on your wrist and that gives you on-the-fly reading.  M-F Athletic Company at 888-556-7464 can give you advice on the make and model that best fits your needs.

 2.   If you work out at a gym, maintain a ratio of three minutes of aerobic exercise (treadmill, bicycle, stair machine, etc.) to one minute of anaerobic exercise (weight lifting).
 3.    If you want to know if your workout is truly aerobic, monitor your heartbeat immediately after you stop exercising.  For the exercise to have been aerobic, your heartbeat should drop at least 30 beats per minute in the first 60 seconds after you’ve stopped the workout.
       4.   Reduce stress wherever you can, since the body’s fight-or-flight response is totally anaerobic (sugar burning).

          5.     Finally, eat balanced meals that give you the right proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.  Consider taking carnitine supplements if necessary.  Carnitine is a biochemical that is derived from food as well as synthesized by the liver and kidney.  It’s needed to transport fat to the portion of the cell where it is converted into energy.  If you have too little carnitine in your body, you’ll find that even with aerobic exercise, you’ll have a hard time getting rid of those fatty thighs and unwanted middle.  Thus, if you want to lose fat, you want to make sure you’re getting enough carnitine by eating sufficient quantities of cottage cheese, seafood, meats, soy products, lentils, and chick peas.  Carnitine is also available in supplement form.  

Live Smarter and Live Longer

For being such a technologically advance nation, we aren’t very smart when it come to our own health.  Do you know that a recent studies show that the typical person spends his or her last 12 years of life suffering from a severe aerobic deficit because of curtailed physical activity?  This undoubtedly shortens the average life span. 

Aerobic exercise is not a cure-all, but it can often work wonders.  Mental and physical fatigue, depression, low blood sugar, and high cholesterol can be partly or completely remedied by a planned aerobic training program.

Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at

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