In my last segment, I talked about fatigue, its symptoms and the important role that blood sugar plays in helping you to maintain your energy. Here is a little more on that subject.
The fight or flight reaction is always triggered by stress. For example, a mugger accosts you and, consequently, you run for your life - this is the fight or flight response in action. In such a case, you would have experienced more energy and strength than you ever thought possible!
Yet, in reality, a life-threatening experience does not always have to be present for your fight or flight response to be activated. In other words, you need only to perceive some in-coming harm - real, physical, non-physical or imagined - and your body will counter with the appropriate fight or flight response in order to match the threat.
For some people, this fight or flight system is permanently switched on. Yes! You read that right - PERMENANTLY switched on! Life circumstances are so stressful that their minds and bodies are consistently mired in this state. This is easy to understand in light of the current economic times. When job and home are threatened, it is very natural to experience a fight or flight reaction.
For many people who find themselves in this condition, carbohydrates are their main food attraction. Basically, carbs give the body the energy it needs to fuel the fight or flight mechanism. Of course, that makes perfect sense. Remember, we need lots of energy when we are escaping from the mugger and those carbs really come in handy when we are the object of a hot pursuit. However, when that fight or flight burst of energy lasts for too long a time - weeks, months or years - the resulting hormone rush will cause a fatigue, obesity and, eventually, a system-wide burn-out.
I’ll have more for you on this topic in my next segment. In the meantime, if you feel that you are in a consistent fight or flight condition, then please give me a call at (510) 652-2302. We can talk about the ways in which I can help you recover your ease and regain energy and stamina.
Dr. Larry Gertler, M. Ed., D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website