Your cold doesn’t go away. Your knee remains sore. Your headaches persist. Month after month, the same ole aches, pains and nuisance ailments drag you down. What is it exactly that prompts these chronic infirmities and thwarts your ability to heal? The answer is that imbalances in your nutrition, body or thoughts are constantly giving way to the conditions that foster this ill-health!
What most folks don’t know is that diseases don’t manifest because of outside influences alone. In fact, a mix of internal and external imbalances is usually the cause of our current maladies. When we don’t heal, the first thing that we must do is to examine all the systems that govern our health and determine which ones are working and which ones are not. In these answers, we will discover the source of our health dilemma.
The Usual Causes of Bad Health!
1) Your Body Doesn’t Like the Food that You Give It!
Most people determine their daily diet by their taste buds, not their body type. As a result, many of us try to sustain ourselves on nutritionally deficient diets that are jammed packed with too many carbohydrates. Of course, we all know that this habit leads us to the well-publicized diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardio-vascular disease. Yet, do we change our menus to accommodate healthier foods? Rarely!
To help my patients in their quest for better health, I use Kinesiological techniques that can easily identify a person’s body type and determine which foods are suitable. In addition, I check the digestive system and hormones to see if all of these things are working properly.
2) A Dysfunctional Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a remarkably complex web of capillaries that keeps the muscle and other body tissue healthy. Basically, lymphatic fluid collects waste products from the cells and moves them through tiny collecting ducts, eventually emptying them into the blood stream. The waste is then routed to the liver where it is made excretable.
The lymphatic system relies on voluntary muscle contraction to move the lymphatic fluid through the capillaries. Hence, if you don’t do enough exercise, or if you do the wrong type of exercise, those fluids become stagnant, and the toxins build up. In this case, our body’s healing power becomes significantly reduced.
3) Heavy Metal Poisoning
Heavy metal poisoning (mercury, lead, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, etc.) and petroleum solvent toxicants can disable your liver’s ability to neutralize poisons. Mercury from contaminated fish and from the mercury amalgams in dental fillings can also interfere with the production of hormones and enzymes. But the most insidious source of toxic heavy metals is drinking water. This includes many, but not all, bottle waters. Using Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing,) we can easily detect heavy metals in a person’s body tissues and apply the appropriate therapies to correct the condition.
4) Allergies
Environmental and food allergies, such as one’s negative reaction to B vitamins, can suppress the immune system. Additionally, if one’s blood gets too alkaline – a condition that is provoked when bodily systems try to compensate for an excessively acidic internal condition – then the immune system begins to attack things that it would normally not attack. These events become obvious in what most of us call ‘severe allergy attacks’.
5) Dental Foci
A slow growing infection behind the teeth (a “dental focus”) can filter back into the nervous system and inhibit its autonomic (automatic) regulation. This condition is often not detected with dental x-rays, but it is easily identified with the applied kinesiology techniques that I use with my patients.
6) Negative Emotions and the Self-Sabotage Syndrome
Did you know that your thoughts and the feelings that they provoke directly affect your nervous system? Well, it’s true, and more validating scientific research is being done on this topic all the time!
Dr. Candace Pert, Ph.D., has researched the process of generating neuro-transmitters and neuro-peptides-essential components in neural functioning. She found that these are influenced by one’s conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings. It is estimated that 80% of all diagnosed physical problems have an emotional component to them. That’s right – 80%!
So, if you’re not healing properly, it may be that some undetected trapped emotions are contributing to a subconscious desire not to heal and/or a fear of change. Without a doubt, these subconscious influences can sabotage your efforts to remain healthy.
I have long been interested in this therapeutic aspect of health care. In fact, I specialize in a process that discovers the emotional blocks that impede healing. With a combination of chiropractic, acupressure and kinesiology, I help patients overcome these subtle, but distinct barriers to good health.
The method that I use to eliminate the trapped emotions is based on The Emotion Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson. This information has enabled me to devise a special healing protocol that allows the patient to release the stuck emotions relative to the stressful situations in his/her life. The result of these treatments is astounding and is most successful in dissolving the patient’s neuro-emotional blocks.
How Do You Relieve the Chronic Suffering?
Do you suffer from chronic pain? Does a loved one suffer from persistent health problems that interfere with their joy of life? If so, you can bet that some imbalance in their whole-body-system is the cause. Please call my office, the Center for Holistic Health, and schedule a free 30-minute consultation. Together, we can determine the best health care therapies that can help you to regain your optimal health.