Today, more than ever, the human body is inundated with harmful toxins from countless sources. Environmental pollutants, pesticide-treated foods, and a whole host of other such contaminants create a situation in which the body must struggle to remain healthy. Sustained exposure to such stresses weakens the body’s resistance and, finally, all sorts of health problems result. In this process, toxins lodge in the body’s tissues and organs and, eventually, disease manifests.
In reality, this overload from toxicity is just one of the two conditions that rob us of good health. The other is deficiency –deficiency of some element necessary to the well-working of the body. Let’s explore the meaning of these two words.
Toxicity manifests when too much of something is present within the body. Deficiency occurs when too little of something exists. Typically, this something can be too much or too little of things like nutrition/biochemistry, exercise, and/or negative thoughts and feelings. Of course, too much of a ‘good thing' can also be a problem. For example, if you stay up late every night and get little sleep before your work day begins, you will eventually experience a general fatigue that will affect you health.
The fact is this - everyone, at one time or another, experiences some illness that suggests that their system is imbalanced either by toxicity or by deficiency. We can improve our odds at averting these occurrences by creating a self-care maintenance health program that fosters a ‘whole’ or holistic balance in the bio-chemical, structural and emotional systems of our body. Good health is basically the balance between these three sides of the health triad.
Over the years, I have suggested to my patients that a periodic detoxification program is a great way to re-establish and maintain this good health balance. Now, detoxification doesn’t mean some rigorous and depleting process that leaves you starved and exhausted! In fact, I use a method that is much easier than that! Let me explain a little about it.
In general, I advise a specific line of homeopathic remedies from Apex Energetics that include both detoxification AND drainage substances. The reason for this combined approach is that it provides the most effective and gentlest means by which the body and its’ organs can relieve themselves of the impurities.
Detoxification means dis-lodging the toxin from its hold over the cells in the tissues and organs. Yet, it is best for the patient if the body releases the toxins easily and without stress. For this to happen, the body must provide a good drainage system for the elimination process. Without it, many folks experience difficulty in the detoxing phase and become ill.
This illness is called a ‘healing crisis’. Basically, this occurs when the body releases too many toxins at one time. In other words, the body’s routes of elimination cannot process the toxins fast enough. (The body’s routes of elimination are a combination of organs and organ systems and collectively dubbed the seven routes of elimination. They are the liver, lungs, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin, blood and bowel or colon.) Consequently, it has to manifest sickness – flu symptoms, fever and the like – in order to process the toxins out of the body. This definitely doing it the hard way!
So, the solution to preempting this discomfort is to add what we call adequate drainage to the detoxification process. Drainage therapy is used to open up the elimination routes so that they can adequately remove the dislodged toxins from the body just as fast as they are being released during the detoxification process. In this way, the body is not overwhelmed and there is not the necessity for a healing crisis. With the Apex Energetics remedies, gentle drainage of multiple organs can occur at the same time. Ingredients and potencies are selected for their deliberate gentle actions.
Usually, it is a good idea to begin drainage therapy just prior to beginning the detox – say one or two weeks before. In this way, the body prepares itself for the cleansing and will respond without stress. However, some folks only implement drainage therapy simultaneously with the detoxification process. I work with my patients to determine which of these protocols works best. Of course, I monitor their progress as the detoxification regime continues.
If you think that you would benefit from a gentle detoxification and drainage therapy, then please call my office for a free 30 minute consultation and we can discuss this protocol as it relates to your condition. You can reach me at the Center for Holistic Health, (510) 652-2302.
Dr. Larry Gertler, M.Ed. D.C., is a nationally known holistic chiropractor and teacher. He is available for in-office visits and telephone consultations (for California residents only). For more information, please call (510) 652-2302 or visit his website at